Subanen Crafts
Subanen Crafts Project
Subanen Crafts is a livelihood project for Subanen women who live in the rugged mountains of Northwest Mindanao in the Philippines. Their handicrafts focus on the Sacred Story of the Universe and the Wonders of Creation. This focus honors the deep spiritual bond that the Subanen People have with their habitat. Through the Subanen Crafts project Subanen women are able to produce, promote, and market their art and jewelry. With modest incomes from the sale of their crafts the Subanen women can provide decent food, basic education, and proper health care for their families. See menu above for a listing of their handcrafted items.
About this Website
This Website provides an easy way to view our crafts. Simply click the Menu above to open the page you wish to see. Our prices are in US dollars. Prices do not include shipping costs.
This Website also has photos and stories about the Subanen artisans and their art.
How to Order
You cannot, as yet, place an order directly through this Website. If you want to place an order or have any questions about Subanen Crafts email us: We will answer promptly and explain how to order and how to pay for your order using US dollars or your local currency.
WHAT'S NEW - 2014 Christmas Cards : "Holy Family"
Our new Christmas Cards, "Holy Family", are now in production. Click menu item "New 2014 Christmas Cards" to get the full story.
We have also developed a handcrafted book called "Joseph's Christmas" . The book shows Joseph caring for Jesus and Mary by doing the simple, practical things that Subanens do every day in their mountain homes. Each book took two days to carefully handcraft and handbind. Click 'Handcrafted books" on the menu and scroll down.
Also New: Our Creation Mandalas and Mobiles are now at reduced prices. Click "Mandalas/Mobiles". Also click on "Liza's Story" and see photos of her wedding.
Photo left: Subanen crafter Marcelita Balido with her family in the hills of Mindanao. The Balido family had to flee many times to avoid the dangers they faced in the remote mountains of Mindanao. In March of 2014 the Subanen Crafts project helped them resettle in a safe place.
What's New: 2024 Christmas Cards
The Christmas Cards for 2024 are now ready.
This year our cards show how the light from a dying star guided the shepherds to Jesus who is our guiding light. Our cards also show how the Holy Family escaped Herod's soldiers by fleeing to the desert where they took refuge on desert oases.
Jesus came for the life of the world. We have found life in our mountainous homeland. And, together with all people, we seek life and refuge on this God-given oasis which is the Earth and our shared home.
To view these cards click on "2024 Christmas Cards" in the menu above.
About this website
This website contains Subanen handicrafts as well as stories and photos about the crafters. Subanens are an indigenous people who live in the mountainous region of Northwest Mindanao in the Philippines. The sale of their crafts help the Subanen crafters provide food, education, housing, and health care for their families.
About this website
This website is a catalog of handicrafts made by Subanens who are the indigenous people of Northwest Mindanao in the Philippines. The site also contains photos and stories about the Subanen artists. The sale of their crafts help Subanen artists protect their habitat, and provide food, education, housing, and health care for their families.
Subanen Crafts is a fair trade and nonprofit project.
How to use this website to buy crafts
We do not have a Paypal account here in the Philippines so we do not have a shopping cart service on this website. To buy items you simply Email us and we will respond immediately with information about how to pay for your order using your local currency. Our email address is given along with the price of each items in our catalog.
Note: You will not pay anything until after you have received your order.
Prices are given in US dollars